Sunday, January 22, 2012

oh, the nameless, shapeless, formless horror of it all...

I had the recent pleasure of watching the DVD of the 2005 film adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s Call of the Ctthulhu, and oh what a treat!  Using a combination of both modern and vintage film techniques - meaning it was produced as a silent-era film but the production crew used some blue screen and computer montage to great effect.  It was produced by H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society, (no idea such a thing exists).
      For those of you who have never read the horror writing of H.P. Lovecraft ( early 20th century writer - think approximately a hundred years ago), his stories evoke the kind of dread you feel when you are home alone in the bath and you hear some sort of noise in the other room and you really, really hope it is just the dog rummaging for a lost potato chip. Since Lovecraft is famous for evoking that kind of dread without actually describing in detail the actual evil that lurks out there, just beyond the horizon , I really give it up for this crew for trying to give rendering to “the nameless, shapeless, formless horror of it all. “

(Wouldn’t that look great on a t-shirt?)

    I ran across the dvd during a sweep at the Indianapolis Marion-Couonty Public Library video rack recently, I just had to watch it,  Where else could I have  been seen it?  I  would love to see this dvd on the big screen. Since it was developed and produced as a silent-era movie, it had its own original musical score which worked beautifully. 
    There is a group formed to renovate The Rivoli. The theater would be perfect, at least part of the week , to show specialty films like this. Maybe have a Q & A session with some writers, producers, directors and film buffs....Oh, I am beside myself with the possibility.

 For now, let’s just get the Rivoli renovated and the rest will follow.

    Maybe downtown Indy can have its own chapter of the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society, we can call ourselves...

“The nameless, shapeless, formless horror of it all...”


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